Styles for the Person Schema

The Person schema is defined online HERE. It mainly consists of a person’s name(s), address(es), and email address(es).

PersonName and AdditionalNames

The schema stores each person’s name as a suite of fields:

  • name_prefix

  • first_name

  • middle_initial

  • last_name

  • name_suffix

As such, each field's style will be defined, and then collectively the various formats of presentation will be defined.


Name prefixes are, for the most part, titles of honor and respect. Therefore, follow title case for capitalization rules for creating the abbreviated version, as the abbreviated version is preferred. Because name prefixes should be standardized, a list of common prefixes follows:

first_name and last_name

All names should be entered using the upper/lowercase letters, punctuation and spacing as indicated by the individual with one exception. Use the full legal spelling and format of the first name if the individual uses only the initial of their first name or prefer their middle name.

Hyphenation may be used to separate double names.



This should always be capitalized and followed by a period.


Suffixes, like prefixes, are to be entered from a standardized list using the abbreviated version. What follows is a list of common suffixes:

PersonEmail and AdditionalEmails

Both of these are to be entered in lowercase.

PostalAddress and AdditionalPostalAddresses

All information is entered as title case.

Address1 and Address2

Capitalize street names, road names, park names, and building names. (CC_ID 06168)

Secondary Address Unit Designators - If the address is multi-unit apartment or building, place the room, suite, or apartment number in the Address2 field. If the secondary unit designator is not provided and only a pound sign (#) along with the number is provided, i.e., 3454 N. Jones #4, then remove the (#) and replace it with the abbreviation for number (“No”).

Numeric Street Names - When the street name is a number, add an abbreviated ending in lower case letters. Examples:

  • 2nd Avenue

  • 23rd Street

  • 40th Avenue

Rural Routes - The following addressing format is used for rural routes address: RR____, BOX____. Do not use the words ‘RURAL,’ ‘RUTA RURAL,’ ‘RFD,’ ‘BUZON,’ OR ‘BZN.’ A leading zero before the route number is not necessary. Examples:

City and StateTerritoryProvince

Capitalize city, state, territory, and province names.


The country will always be provided via a drop-down menu and will follow ISO 3166.


The zipcode will always be entered as the five-digit number.

Last updated